Ask questions to engage people
The culture of asking questions is not very widespread in corporate circles. Yet, it is an invaluable driver of engagement and progress. How can we get the most out of it to mobilize energies?
Encourage cooperation
Cooperation between teams is a key driver of agility, but it is not easy to establish. How can we create the conditions to get people to want to invest in the collective game?
Disseminating your best practices
How to spread a technique that has proven successful locally to the entire organization? This can be learned from the example of companies that have successfully disseminated their know-how.
Boosting efficiency: new opportunities to explore
Is it still possible to gain in efficiency when everything has already been tried? In a complex environment where traditional methods prove counterproductive, other drivers must be found.
Build an effective board of directors
Some boards of directors have been able to go beyond their traditional supervisory role to position themselves as true partners working with operational leaders to boost company performance. How did they go about this?
Revitalize your strategy
To stay afloat facing accelerating competitive shifts, businesses must regularly regenerate their strategies. But how can they reinvent themselves while so many forces support organizational continuity?
The keys to a successful job transition
Job transition is a hazardous moment. Especially, care must be taken not to rely too much on past strengths, as the new role may require new attitudes. How to make this transition successfully?
Be a motivating manager
Motivation has a direct impact on people’s performance. But how can it be sustained? The attitude of superiors has a decisive influence on the satisfaction that people derive from their work, and by extension, on their motivation.
Combine economic and social performance
In the current economic crisis, social responsibility or environmental performance issues are often relegated to the background. How can businesses turn CSR into a source of strategic innovation and creation of economic value?
Last issues
From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?