Anticipating climate change
An increasing number of companies are considering climate risks. How can you review your strategy and economic model to reduce your exposure and adapt to the carbon-neutrality objective?
Experiment in the age of data
Relying on the current capabilities of data processing, many companies have placed continuous experimentation at the heart of their innovation strategy. How can you develop the rigor required for such an approach?
Renewing the creative momentum of your teams
To foster creativity, rather than going to search for talents and methods outside the company, it might be equally beneficial to rely on internal forces. How can you unleash the creativity of your own teams?
Assert your professional identity
Nowadays, as career paths are rarely linear, professionals must actively manage their career. How can you define your professional identity, make it evolve over time and communicate it with authenticity?
Expressing gratitude at work
Making staff feel valued is a demonstrated factor of engagement and performance at work, which managers however tend to underuse. How can you transform acknowledgement into an opportunity to differentiate?
Negotiate while protecting the relationship over time
A successful negotiation is foremost one that leads to implementing an acceptable agreement for each of the parties involved. How can you pursue your interests whilst protecting a constructive relationship with the other party?
Adapting to unsolicited change
We are subjected to change more often than we trigger it, which can cause a significant psychological burden. What process can we adopt to handle the feeling of loss that inevitably accompanies change?
Last issues
From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?