Strategy Development

Exercising strategic leadership
An organization’s success hinges before all else on its leader’s work behind the scenes to ensure the fine-tuning of internal dynamics. How can the workings of this strategic game be mastered?

Why bother making strategic plans?
The value of strategic planning lies primarily in the process of questioning and exchange that it requires.

Preparing for an uncertain future
In times of turmoil and strong uncertainty, how can you manage beyond simply coping with the situation? One solution consists in accepting the inevitable nature of uncertainty: the challenge comes not in minimizing it, but in managing it.

Base your strategy on your distinctive capabilities
The race for competitive advantage often leads to endless escalation. How can you break this cycle? One solution is to refocus your strategy on the specific capabilities that strongly differentiate your company.

Revitalize your strategy
To stay afloat facing accelerating competitive shifts, businesses must regularly regenerate their strategies. But how can they reinvent themselves while so many forces support organizational continuity?

Turbulence and strategy
Devising relevant strategies in a turbulent context is a tricky job for business leaders, as traditional points of reference for making strategic decisions may no longer be valid. How to take a fresh look at strategy in this new market context?

Protect yourself against strategic blindness
Companies that believe they are invulnerable are particularly exposed to a rude awakening. How can you guard against the tendency to ignore unpleasant truths?

The dangers of success
Success itself is often the root cause of failure, as people become lazy and arrogant, or overly optimistic about the future. How to recognize and avoid the traps of success?

Stepping away from the short term/long term dichotomy
Reconciling differing time horizons to build lasting performance.

Creating momentum around your Climate and Environment projects
Increasingly strategic for the majority of companies, the topics of Climate and the Environment are nonetheless profoundly divisive. How can we move forward on these issues while avoiding the perils of polemics?