
The future of work: seven mutations to anticipate
The Covid-19 crisis will probably engender deep and irreversible changes in the organization of companies. How can you accompany this transformation of the world of work to draw a desirable future?

Anticipating climate change
An increasing number of companies are considering climate risks. How can you review your strategy and economic model to reduce your exposure and adapt to the carbon-neutrality objective?

Preparing for an uncertain future
In times of turmoil and strong uncertainty, how can you manage beyond simply coping with the situation? One solution consists in accepting the inevitable nature of uncertainty: the challenge comes not in minimizing it, but in managing it.

Evolving towards circular economy
“Extract – produce – dispose”: against this linear economic model, nowadays reaching its limits, a new model is emerging. Circular, it aims at minimizing, regenerating and recycling resources. Why and how to initiate this transition?

Artificial intelligence: beyond the buzz, a major challenge
Today, artificial intelligence offers huge potential, while raising as many hopes as fears. Indeed, while the gains are undeniable, implementation is not straightforward. What conditions are required to take advantage of AI?