Extended Company

Achieve success with extended collaborations
Some innovations cannot stem from a single company. In domains such as radical innovation or sustainable development, the concerted mobilization of numerous actors may be necessary. How can you successfully achieve such extended cooperations?

Devise successful coopetition strategies
“Coopetition”—that is, forming an alliance with a direct competitor—is a strategy that can be very effective, but whose mechanisms are not very intuitive. How can you put together all the assets to succeed at this type of alliance?

The secret of successful alliances
Alliances can provide considerable development leverage—provided that they run effectively on an everyday basis. How can you draw lessons from experience to maximize the chances of success?

Define an effective resource strategy
Make or buy? This question is central to strategic analysis. Yet, the way it is formulated is outdated: today, it is often more effective to borrow resources. What are the recipes to succeed at this strategy?