Encouraging employees’ appropriation of artificial intelligence
To establish a dynamic that allows taking full advantage of AI, we can find inspiration in the example of companies that are pioneers in this field. How can we prepare employees to actively participate in this transformation?
Artificial intelligence, beyond experimentation
Artificial intelligence applications are multiplying in all sectors of activity. But many companies are struggling to develop beyond the experimentation stage. How can you reach a new level and take advantage of AI’s full potential?
Collaborating with robots: ethical and human challenges
Implemented by an increasing number of companies, artificial intelligence solutions raise ethical and social questions that are as yet largely unresolved. What challenges should you be prepared for?
Artificial intelligence: beyond the buzz, a major challenge
Today, artificial intelligence offers huge potential, while raising as many hopes as fears. Indeed, while the gains are undeniable, implementation is not straightforward. What conditions are required to take advantage of AI?
Big Data: Making the most of the revolution
Beyond the capacity to process gigantic volumes of data, Big Data creates opportunities that are still largely untapped. How can you take advantage of this huge field of innovation?
Learn to manage the constantly rising flood of information
The human brain is an extraordinary machine for storing and applying information. Could companies learn from how it operates to manage an exponentially growing volume of data more effectively?
Information, a strategic asset
More than ever, companies have access to an impressive wealth of information. But they can only fully capitalize on this strategic asset if they develop a real information management strategy.
Strengthening cybersecurity
The risk of cyberattacks concerns all companies. Far from being the sole concern of the IT teams, cybersecurity must become a collective response. How can you develop a culture of shared vigilance?