Learn to manage the constantly rising flood of information

The human brain is an extraordinary machine for storing and applying information. Could companies learn from how it operates to manage an exponentially growing volume of data more effectively?
Knowledge management is a high-stakes issue for companies, which are faced with huge volumes of information. Equipped with information processing capacity which would have been unimaginable only a few years ago, businesses often have trouble using this computer fire-power optimally to understand their markets better and make the decisions required to succeed.
Our selected publications offer a stimulating approach in which companies are encouraged to use the principles according to which the brain functions to improve their ability to manage and use information. Indeed, the human brain is the most extraordinary data-processing machine known to man, because it possesses a phenomenal storage capacity and uses stored information with incredible efficiency. As a result, even the simplest tasks performed by humans constitute astounding feats of coordination that no computer could match.
Among the interesting parallels that can be drawn with neuronal information management, the following tips in particular could prove useful to companies:
-Be disciplined in collecting and using information. The brain is structured to avoid being submerged by a flood of incoming data and focus on the most important information.
-Find the right balance between rational and intuitive thought. Most of the brain’s activity is conducted subconsciously, enabling ‘a very effective mobilization of a wealth of accumulated experience.
-Focus on anticipating the future rather than studying the past. The brain constantly makes projections about what will happen and pays attention to ongoing changes, making it remarkably responsive in dealing with the unexpected.
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