Encouraging employees’ appropriation of artificial intelligence

N°330a – Synopsis (8 p.) – Technology
Encouraging employees’ appropriation of artificial intelligence
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To establish a dynamic that allows taking full advantage of AI, we can find inspiration in the example of companies that are pioneers in this field. How can we prepare employees to actively participate in this transformation?

Long consigned to the domain of science fiction, artificial intelligence (AI) is currently establishing itself as an unavoidable professional tool. Its progress is astonishing. ChatGPT, for example, passed one of the final exams of the prestigious MBA program at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Companies are investing heavily to make sure they are not left behind. According to McKinsey, at the global level, they have quadrupled their spending in this area between 2016 and 2022. The firm estimates that AI could generate revenues of between 2,600 and 4,400 billion dollars a year. The parallel with a new industrial revolution, although sometimes overused, seems justified here.

Nonetheless, as with any technology, the promises of AI depend closely on its reception and adoption by employees. The feedback from experiences converge: the deployment of AI tools requires support that is at once methodical and subtle. No more than you can force two employees to cooperate, you cannot impose on a reluctant employee to lean on a “co-pilot” in whom they do not trust.

The spread of AI will therefore require a genuine cultural transformation, driven by senior executives, to be sure, but in which local managers will also have their full role to play. Pioneering companies in this field, such as Airbus or the Singaporean bank DBS, are already outlining the main axes of this work: a massive investment in training, a transparent dialogue on the benefits and risks of these tools, including for employees themselves, and experimentation based on field initiatives. Technical concerns—software selection, data security and governance—almost appear to be of secondary importance, despite often taking up much of management’s attention.

Results appear to be living up to expectations: DBS, once mocked for its archaism (naysayers used to claim that the acronym DBS stood for “Damn Bloody Slow”), is now considered a reference, both in terms of internal efficiency and innovation. And Airbus has made AI a driving force of its growth, for example with OneAtlas, its analysis system for images obtained by satellite.

So many inspiring examples for any leader wishing to prepare their employees to take advantage of the immense potential of artificial intelligence.

In this synopsis:
– Approaching AI from the “augmented employee” angle
– Promoting a corporate culture that is open to artificial intelligence
– Framing the uses of generative AI by your teams

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