
Take action despite uncertainty
In a world in lasting crisis, the companies that fare the best are those that know how to act and learn at the same time. What operating modes should we adopt to implement this approach?

From ideas to action
In every business organization, hundreds of ideas are generated every day, ranging from creative solutions to everyday problems to revolutionary new products and services. What if innovation were principally a question of personal discipline?

Reconnect with your ingenuity to boost your capacity for innovation
After being long considered as players with low added value, emerging countries are now showing a surprising ability to innovate. What can be learned from their innovation approach?

Stimulate job satisfaction
A recent study shows that energy at work primarily feeds on the conviction that we can progress effectively. How can we use this lever to optimize resources by reinforcing staff work satisfaction?

Learn to manage the constantly rising flood of information
The human brain is an extraordinary machine for storing and applying information. Could companies learn from how it operates to manage an exponentially growing volume of data more effectively?

Lead projects successfully despite opposition
What could be more painful than the emergence of strong opposition to a project? Your attitude towards opposition is decisive. How can you respect your active opponents without neglecting your allies or the silent majority?

Take advantage of the potential of older workers
The global population is aging. However, companies still have trouble fully capitalizing on their over-fifty workforce. How can you elicit the full potential of older workers?
Last issues

From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?