Differentiate yourself in saturated markets
In saturated markets, competitors generally fight on commercial presence and price. Yet, there are other ways for businesses to differentiate themselves. How can you play on services and positioning to gain a competitive edge?
Preserve critical know-how
A large part of a company’s strengths resides in the tacit know-how of many individuals. This know-how is not easy to identify and formalize. How can you avoid losing this invaluable capital?
From manager to leader
High-performing managers are sometimes surprised when they don’t get a promotion or are evaluated below their expectations. Indeed, even in operational positions, managers must demonstrate leadership qualities such as strategic perspective, the ability to influence others and to lead change.
Intrapreneurship: A growth vector to explore
Is the entrepreneurial spirit only for start-ups? In established businesses, the capacity of employees to support innovation is often stifled. How can you help intrapreneurs reveal themselves in your organization?
Negotiate with agility
Far from being restricted to a balance between well-established forces, negotiation is a process highly subject to uncertainty. How can you maximize your chances of success by developing your ability to adapt to the unexpected?
Retain your lucidity despite the isolation of leadership
Retaining a sense of lucidity about ourselves and the situations we manage is all the more difficult when we are in a leadership position. So how can we preserve our capacity for judgment?
Last issues
From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?