
Liberating the company: returns of experience
The notion of liberated company remains controversial: some see in it an ideal model, others a deception. In any event, it raises a key question: how can you combine individual autonomy and collective efficiency?

Liberate initiative taking
To be able to take initiatives, you must enjoy an environment favorable to risk taking. How can you develop a climate of psychological safety, a true key to the performance of teams and organizations?

Sharpen your attention focus
Our work environments do not lend themselves easily to concentration. At the time and age of collaborative spaces and new technologies, how can you stay in control of your attention focus and maintain your personal productivity?

Selling your innovative ideas
Any innovative project owner faces a paradox: the novelty nature of his/her idea is precisely what gives it value; yet, it is also what generates reluctance. How can you release these brakes to get your innovative ideas across better?

Foster your staff’s self-fulfillment
In theory, work represents a major opportunity for personal fulfillment—but the reality is often less gratifying. How can the line manager contribute to helping to rekindle this fulfilling dimension of work?

Get back into the habit of asking questions
Business leaders are rarely presented as people who question themselves. And yet, a manager needs to know how to question as well as to assert; but this ability seems to have been somewhat lost. How can we find it again?

Management by objectives in the agile era
When management by objectives takes into account the constraints of the agile era, it remains a formidably effective tool. How can you help your teams choose and reach their objectives in a context of uncertainty and permanent change?
Last issues

From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?