Radical Innovation

Are potentially disruptive innovations flying under your radars?
What is the possibility that a radical innovation, initially imperfect, will call into question your established positions?

Foster radical innovation
Innovation is at the heart of company priorities. Yet, large organizations mostly limit themselves to marginal innovations while leaving start-ups the prerogative for disruptive innovations. How can you set up an environment that is propitious to radical innovation?

Foster disruptive innovation
Game-changing innovations frequently dethrone incumbent players… However, there are many potential pitfalls along the way. How to overcome these challenges?

Stimulating your creativity
Faced with the need to innovate, we can organize ourselves to generate ideas in sufficient numbers for some of them to bear fruit. And artificial intelligence tools can help us push back the borders of our creativity.

Innovate like a start-up
The rise in power of digital innovations is often perceived as a threat to the established players. In the face of start-ups, how can they reinvent themselves to win the race for innovation?

Selling your innovative ideas
Any innovative project owner faces a paradox: the novelty nature of his/her idea is precisely what gives it value; yet, it is also what generates reluctance. How can you release these brakes to get your innovative ideas across better?

Evolving towards circular economy
“Extract – produce – dispose”: against this linear economic model, nowadays reaching its limits, a new model is emerging. Circular, it aims at minimizing, regenerating and recycling resources. Why and how to initiate this transition?

Artificial intelligence, beyond experimentation
Artificial intelligence applications are multiplying in all sectors of activity. But many companies are struggling to develop beyond the experimentation stage. How can you reach a new level and take advantage of AI’s full potential?