Successfully conduct your Lean Management approach
Adopting a Lean Management approach bestows a major competitive edge to some companies… and brings disillusionment to other ones! What are the key drivers to instill the Lean approach successfully?
Work on your authority
If the focus is today on cooperation, autority still remains an essential ingredient of performance. How can you develop your power and leadership to maximize the value you bring to the organization?
Turn your customers into brand ambassadors
Some firms manage to rely on service excellence to turn their customers into ambassadors for their products and services. How to make customer experience a key success factor?
Managing managers: Find ways to add more personal value
Managing multi-tiered teams takes much more than a simple quantitative adjustment. An entirely new rapport must be created with the organization to add value in the new role.
Integrate the human factor to improve project management
The reason why so many projects fail lies less in disciplined project management than in the irrational dimension that influences day-to-day action. How can we integrate this human factor?
Create buzz around your offering
Buzz has always existed, but this phenomenon is amplified today due to social networks. In light of recent studies, what are the key actions to support word of mouth around an offering?
Last issues
From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?