Collaborate… but not too much!
In today’s working environment that favors teamwork, concentrating has become a challenge. It is nonetheless a factor of productivity and well-being. How can you give everyone the possibility to secure periods of real concentration?
Grab attention… and keep it!
In the era of infobesity and chronic distraction, how can you grab your audience's attention and retain it over time? Understanding the psychological and cognitive underpinnings of attention is invaluable to achieve this goal.
The holacratic company: beyond the utopia
The concept of the holacratic company attempts to give employees a maximum of autonomy by eliminating the constraints which hobble initiative. What underlies the success of organizations which have adopted this management approach?
Introverts and extraverts: How to cooperate better together
Far from being respectively a virtue and a fault, extraversion and introversion are two personality poles that both have their assets and limits. How can we turn these differences into a key to collective performance?
Break down organizational silos
“Siloed” organizations, which used to be highly effective, prove less relevant in today’s complex environments. How can we avoid the downside of an organizational model in which we had previously found so many qualities?
Feed your creative spark
Brilliant insights often spring to mind unexpectedly. These “Eureka moments” don’t happen by chance and aren’t the exclusive preserve of a few creative geniuses. How can we create the conditions for this creative spark to arise?
Take responsibility for change
To make things change, we have a lot more leeway than we think. How can we take responsibility for creating the changes we want to see implemented?
Secure your strategic decisions
Many decision-making errors derive from reflexes that lead to form a truncated view of reality. How can we avoid this risk? By engaging in debate that allows us to confront different viewpoints.
Devise successful coopetition strategies
“Coopetition”—that is, forming an alliance with a direct competitor—is a strategy that can be very effective, but whose mechanisms are not very intuitive. How can you put together all the assets to succeed at this type of alliance?
Last issues
From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?