Actively manage psychosocial disorders
Violence, harassment, excessive stress... How can managers identify what really comes under the company's responsibility? And how can they cope effectively with psychosocial disorders?
Foster cooperation across organizational boundaries
Rather than a question of ill will or indiscipline, lack of cooperation is often a result of the need for belonging that governs our interpersonal relationships. How can we take this into account to boost collaboration?
Escape the time trap
Running increasingly faster seems to be everyone’s challenge. How much of this feeling of constant overload relates to perception, and how much is actual reality? How can you liberate your agenda from self-inflicted constraints?
Price creatively to protect your margin
Companies often slash their prices to stay competitive, even though their consumers would sometimes be willing to pay more. How to price an offering as closely as possible to the perceived customer value?
From training to action
Despite investing heavily in training, companies are often disappointed with the results. How to ensure that people make changes in their everyday work as a result of the training they receive?
The intuitive leader
Our focus on logical reasoning has diminished our appreciation for the importance of emotions and intuition. Yet, intuition can be extremely powerful, provided you don't trust it blindly. How to make your intuition more reliable?
Managing teleworkers
Modern technology has made teleworking easier than ever before. How to adapt management practices to capitalize fully on these opportunities while preserving the quality of teamwork?
Ensure consistently high-quality customer interactions
The quality of the perceived customer experience depends heavily on the interaction of the customer with a given employee in the field. How to build a collective sense of quality of service in your organization?
Last issues
From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?