Changing behavior
How can you ensure lasting change and avoid falling back into the same old habits? Lasting behavioral change requires a combination of logic and emotions.
Protect yourself against strategic blindness
Companies that believe they are invulnerable are particularly exposed to a rude awakening. How can you guard against the tendency to ignore unpleasant truths?
The dangers of success
Success itself is often the root cause of failure, as people become lazy and arrogant, or overly optimistic about the future. How to recognize and avoid the traps of success?
Make compensation a key motivational driver
What compensation policy to adopt to foster employee adhesion and stimulate company performance sustainably?
Habit marketing
Rather than trying to respond to clearly identified customer needs, companies may do better by working to become part of their routine.
Toxic work environment, a real management issue
The quality of the ambiance at work is largely rooted in the management model, and has major repercussions on performance. How to combat infighting and other types of toxic behavior?
Foster collaboration within your leadership team
An executive committee’s ability to work as a team has a major impact on a company’s performance. What key drivers can be used to break down silos in the leadership team?
Last issues
From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?