Marketing Strategy
Influencing behaviors through nudges
Nudges are techniques, based on cognitive sciences, which aim to guide behaviors without coercion or penalty. How can they be used effectively and wisely?
The new era of analytical marketing
The recent technological disruptions have deeply modified the value creation methods in businesses. What are the growth opportunities deriving from analytical marketing, and how can you organize to succeed in this transition?
Differentiate yourself in saturated markets
In saturated markets, competitors generally fight on commercial presence and price. Yet, there are other ways for businesses to differentiate themselves. How can you play on services and positioning to gain a competitive edge?
The future of marketing
The Internet has dramatically changed the way consumers make buying decisions. In the age of the web consumer, what are the new influence drivers marketing can use?
Price creatively to protect your margin
Companies often slash their prices to stay competitive, even though their consumers would sometimes be willing to pay more. How to price an offering as closely as possible to the perceived customer value?
Habit marketing
Rather than trying to respond to clearly identified customer needs, companies may do better by working to become part of their routine.
Experiment in the age of data
Relying on the current capabilities of data processing, many companies have placed continuous experimentation at the heart of their innovation strategy. How can you develop the rigor required for such an approach?
The age of influencer marketing
As they face the erosion of the advertisement discourse, some brands call upon influencers to capture the attention and the sympathy of web surfers. How can you put in place an efficient influencer marketing strategy?