
Three tips to approach dilemmas with creativity
When faced with a dilemma, seek to reconcile rather than to pick a side.

Escaping the trap of workaholism
Companies naturally seek to have employees who are available and committed. But when this commitment, taken to excess, results in an inability to switch off, the consequences are dire. How can we avoid the pitfalls of workaholism?

Handling failures productively
Accepting the possibility of failure is essential in order to be able to experiment, innovate and adapt. But on a day-to-day basis, it is very often the need for operational performance that prevails. How can we identify and promote productive failures?

Creating the conditions for successful mentoring
Mentoring is a valuable lever for employee development. How can we exploit its full potential?

Stepping away from the short term/long term dichotomy
Reconciling differing time horizons to build lasting performance.

Drawing inspiration from explorers to face uncertainty
Corporate leaders are frequently confronted with turbulence whose consequences are difficult to predict. How can they draw inspiration from great explorers to account for uncertainty in their strategic steering?
Last issues

From heroic to authentic leadership
The observation of sustainably successful leaders highlights a reality that is clearly different from the fantasized figure of the conquering hero. How can we become aware of this gap between the fantasy and the reality to develop our leadership qualities?