Escaping the trap of workaholism

Companies naturally seek to have employees who are available and committed. But when this commitment, taken to excess, results in an inability to switch off, the consequences are dire. How can we avoid the pitfalls of workaholism?
At a time when so many companies deplore the disengagement of a proportion of their employees, the fight against professional overcommitment does not appear to be a topical one. Are zeal and availability not qualities to be valued? But everything is a question of balance. There exists a fundamental difference between a conscientious employee and a compulsive worker. While the former constitutes a valuable asset, the latter not only puts themself at risk, but also generates significant collective costs, often underestimated. Recognizing this subtle distinction is essential to preventing excesses.
For the employee, professional overcommitment translates into an inability to disconnect from work and an irrepressible tendency to do ever more. American psychologist Wayne Oates coined the neologism “workaholism” to describe this insidious drift, thereby underscoring the addictive mechanism that lies beneath it. This tendency can be explained by individual factors as well as external ones. Certain personality traits predispose to it—perfectionism, a strong need for recognition, etc.—but the working environment can also play a catalyzing role.
For the company, the negative consequences of workaholism can be high. Specialists are sounding the alarm about a phenomenon that is discreet, but whose collective costs are mounting. Overwork is the leading cause of psychosocial risks: unhappiness at work, deterioration in sleep and in quality of life, chronic illnesses, etc. What is more, and contrary to popular belief, it does not lead to greater productivity. The economist John Pencavel has identified an inverted efficiency effect: beyond a certain threshold, additional working hours no longer create value, and may even destroy it. Indeed, the quality of decisions, creativity and project execution are affected. Finally, the collateral damages must be taken into account, such as a deterioration in the working atmosphere, or even a loss of attractiveness for the company when it carries a reputation for compromising the balance between professional and personal life.
As economic pressures intensify, putting teams to a harsh test, it is vital to objectively assess the risks of workaholism within one’s company—and, as appropriate, to mitigate the factors threatening vulnerable employees.
In this synopsis:
– Workaholism: when should you worry?
– Reducing the structural causes of workaholism
– Saying no: a subtle and essential know-how
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