In which direction lead the organization to better prepare for the future? What lessons can be learned from the experience of others? What innovative ways should be explored?
Choose your key battles
How can we reduce the number of our strategic priorities to better achieve our objectives?
Consultants: What’s the point?
How can you develop your ability to secure good advice?
Do you talk digital? ;-)
Within two decades, digital communication has become omnipresent—albeit generating a certain number of difficulties. How can you master the codes of digital communication tools?
The future of work: seven mutations to anticipate
The Covid-19 crisis will probably engender deep and irreversible changes in the organization of companies. How can you accompany this transformation of the world of work to draw a desirable future?
Anticipating climate change
An increasing number of companies are considering climate risks. How can you review your strategy and economic model to reduce your exposure and adapt to the carbon-neutrality objective?
Experiment in the age of data
Relying on the current capabilities of data processing, many companies have placed continuous experimentation at the heart of their innovation strategy. How can you develop the rigor required for such an approach?
Management by objectives in the agile era
When management by objectives takes into account the constraints of the agile era, it remains a formidably effective tool. How can you help your teams choose and reach their objectives in a context of uncertainty and permanent change?
Refreshing competences continuously
The rise in employee competence represents a major competitive challenge for companies. How can you rethink training to reinforce the acquisition of competences essential to tomorrow’s world?
Driving change
Among all the factors that contribute to the success or failure of transformation initiatives, the attitude of staff towards change is absolutely decisive. How can you convince them to engage in the effort towards transformation?
Evolving towards circular economy
“Extract – produce – dispose”: against this linear economic model, nowadays reaching its limits, a new model is emerging. Circular, it aims at minimizing, regenerating and recycling resources. Why and how to initiate this transition?