In which direction lead the organization to better prepare for the future? What lessons can be learned from the experience of others? What innovative ways should be explored?
Converting your organization to a digital culture
Although digital transformation has become a necessity, achieving a successful one is more a question of culture than of technology. How can we “change everything” to maintain a competitive advantage in a world gone digital?
Strengthening cybersecurity
The risk of cyberattacks concerns all companies. Far from being the sole concern of the IT teams, cybersecurity must become a collective response. How can you develop a culture of shared vigilance?
Innovate like a start-up
The rise in power of digital innovations is often perceived as a threat to the established players. In the face of start-ups, how can they reinvent themselves to win the race for innovation?
Preparing for an uncertain future
In times of turmoil and strong uncertainty, how can you manage beyond simply coping with the situation? One solution consists in accepting the inevitable nature of uncertainty: the challenge comes not in minimizing it, but in managing it.
Artificial intelligence, beyond experimentation
Artificial intelligence applications are multiplying in all sectors of activity. But many companies are struggling to develop beyond the experimentation stage. How can you reach a new level and take advantage of AI’s full potential?
Addressing the upheavals of the global markets
The globalized organization is generally considered to be a reference model. Yet, distance remains a real obstacle, all the more so since this model is today confronted with several disruptions. How can you rethink your performance levers on international markets?