In which direction lead the organization to better prepare for the future? What lessons can be learned from the experience of others? What innovative ways should be explored?
Conjugating invention and imitation
Western cultures frequently contrast imitation and creativity. And yet, imitation can be an effective way to develop creative ideas. How can we leverage it to accelerate our innovations and make them more reliable?
How to really benefit from spending cuts?
How to make budget cuts without jeopardizing the future?
Manager-coaches faced with the fears of their teams
Fear is ubiquitous in companies. Often considered a weakness, it can also prove fundamentally useful. How can managers help their staff manage their fears and overcome them?
The age of influencer marketing
As they face the erosion of the advertisement discourse, some brands call upon influencers to capture the attention and the sympathy of web surfers. How can you put in place an efficient influencer marketing strategy?
Deciding while under pressure
When we make decisions, we are inevitably subjected to biases—that are all the more powerful when we are under pressure and the stakes are at their highest. How can you nonetheless secure the vital strategic decisions?
Sharpen your attention focus
Our work environments do not lend themselves easily to concentration. At the time and age of collaborative spaces and new technologies, how can you stay in control of your attention focus and maintain your personal productivity?
Thinking differently
We all have a natural preference for what is familiar to us. Yet, to adapt to circumstances, companies and their staff must constantly reinvent themselves, which requires that they get out of their usual thinking patterns. How can you nurture this healthy habit?
Contradictions, a source of innovation?
Great leaders are able to surmount apparent contradictions to devise original solutions that bridge the two initial options. How can you draw inspiration from their example to turn dilemmas into a source of creativity?