Accelerating your environmental transition

The environmental transformation of companies is the most ambitious challenge there is. Although no one is yet claiming to have found a miraculous solution, certain pathways are taking shape. How can we reinvent ourselves to build a sustainable model?
Awareness of environmental issues grows by the day. Faced with the risks that materialize in the form of heat waves, droughts, floodings and other disasters, more and more leaders are convinced of the need to act. But what concrete actions should be undertaken, considering the immensity and diversity of the challenges?
Indeed, scientists are warning of the systemic character of the environmental crisis. Climate change is only one of its aspects. The collapse of biodiversity and the depletion of certain vital resources are additional ones. This upheaval is not without consequences on companies, which suffer from supply-chain shortages, the disruption of their production sites, increased competition for access to resources, etc. For them, it is an issue of simultaneously preparing to handle critical problems and avoiding amplifying them.
It is a complex exercise. All the executives who have initiated their companies’ environmental transformation emphasize this: building a sustainable model goes through a complete reinvention, not through marginal adjustments. Philippe Poletti, CEO of the Ardian investment fund, attests to this: “It’s not a matter of advertising oneself as ‘net zero’ by financing offset projects or planting more trees. It’s an in-depth effort on the whole of our direct and indirect emissions, which aims to address the essence of the problem.”
Beyond the magnitude of the undertaking, the multiple dimensions of the problem must also be taken into account. Climate is only one of its facets. Emission-reduction initiatives, seemingly virtuous, can even prove harmful on other levels, such as the artificialization of soils or the harm to biodiversity. A broader vision of one’s environmental footprint is now required. What’s more, companies must learn to leverage their ecosystems: convince their customers to change, work with regulators, co-innovate with partners, etc. New forms of collaboration must thus emerge.
At this stage, it is more the tracks than the solutions that are being sketched out. But they already outline a practical roadmap for companies that are determined to accelerate their transformation.
In this synopsis:
– Climate crisis and crisis of the living: adopting an integrated vision
– Four levers to accelerate your ecological transition
– Helping your teams overcome eco-anxiety
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