What choices to to make so that information systems support the performance of the organization? How to better lead these projects?

Make the digital transformation in time
The few companies that have been able to take full advantage of digital technologies show exceptional profitability ratios. How can you take inspiration from the practices of these digital champions?

The new innovation leader
Innovation is often seen as the work of a visionary genius. Yet, other innovation leadership models exist that are more accessible. How can leaders create an environment conducive to the creativity of their teams?

Luck, a skill to be developed
Without being intrinsically lucky, some people spontaneously do things that make good things happen to them. So what behaviors are conducive to luck, and how to implement them to develop what is actually a real skill?

Encouraging employees’ appropriation of artificial intelligence
To establish a dynamic that allows taking full advantage of AI, we can find inspiration in the example of companies that are pioneers in this field. How can we prepare employees to actively participate in this transformation?

Accelerating your environmental transition
The environmental transformation of companies is the most ambitious challenge there is. Although no one is yet claiming to have found a miraculous solution, certain pathways are taking shape. How can we reinvent ourselves to build a sustainable model?

Exercising strategic leadership
An organization’s success hinges before all else on its leader’s work behind the scenes to ensure the fine-tuning of internal dynamics. How can the workings of this strategic game be mastered?

Artificial intelligence, beyond experimentation
Artificial intelligence applications are multiplying in all sectors of activity. But many companies are struggling to develop beyond the experimentation stage. How can you reach a new level and take advantage of AI’s full potential?