What choices to to make so that information systems support the performance of the organization? How to better lead these projects?

Improve the creative dynamic in your teams
Team creativity largely depends on the ability to build on the ideas of others. How can you draw on theatrical improvisation techniques to optimize the quality of creative discussions?

Feed your creative spark
Brilliant insights often spring to mind unexpectedly. These “Eureka moments” don’t happen by chance and aren’t the exclusive preserve of a few creative geniuses. How can we create the conditions for this creative spark to arise?

Intrapreneurship: A growth vector to explore
Is the entrepreneurial spirit only for start-ups? In established businesses, the capacity of employees to support innovation is often stifled. How can you help intrapreneurs reveal themselves in your organization?

Boosting efficiency: new opportunities to explore
Is it still possible to gain in efficiency when everything has already been tried? In a complex environment where traditional methods prove counterproductive, other drivers must be found.

Successfully conduct your Lean Management approach
Adopting a Lean Management approach bestows a major competitive edge to some companies… and brings disillusionment to other ones! What are the key drivers to instill the Lean approach successfully?

Innovate through experimentation
Experimentation is a powerful innovation accelerator which, thanks to the digital revolution, is much more accessible than before. Yet it remains under-utilized. How can you prompt people to acquire the reflex to experiment with their ideas?

From ideas to action
In every business organization, hundreds of ideas are generated every day, ranging from creative solutions to everyday problems to revolutionary new products and services. What if innovation were principally a question of personal discipline?