Why bother making strategic plans?
The value of strategic planning lies primarily in the process of questioning and exchange that it requires.
Liberate initiative taking
To be able to take initiatives, you must enjoy an environment favorable to risk taking. How can you develop a climate of psychological safety, a true key to the performance of teams and organizations?
Management by objectives in the agile era
When management by objectives takes into account the constraints of the agile era, it remains a formidably effective tool. How can you help your teams choose and reach their objectives in a context of uncertainty and permanent change?
Increase the resilience of your organization
All organizations are confronted with the risk of crises. Rather than vainly attempting to avoid them, it is better to develop the capability to absorb them and to learn from them. How can you acquire and cultivate resilience?
Negotiate with agility
Far from being restricted to a balance between well-established forces, negotiation is a process highly subject to uncertainty. How can you maximize your chances of success by developing your ability to adapt to the unexpected?
Take action despite uncertainty
In a world in lasting crisis, the companies that fare the best are those that know how to act and learn at the same time. What operating modes should we adopt to implement this approach?
Leader 2.0
The information revolution affects more than processes; it also changes people. How can you adapt management to this new environment?