What are the organizational models best suited to its own strategy and its particuliar context? How to enable the company to evolve and adapt to changes in its environment?
Why bother making strategic plans?
The value of strategic planning lies primarily in the process of questioning and exchange that it requires.
Maintaining the social bond in the age of hybrid work
Hybrid work, which combines remote and on-site work, has established itself in many companies, but not without raising several concerns. How can the social bond be maintained and nurtured in these new conditions?
Liberating the company: returns of experience
The notion of liberated company remains controversial: some see in it an ideal model, others a deception. In any event, it raises a key question: how can you combine individual autonomy and collective efficiency?
Liberate initiative taking
To be able to take initiatives, you must enjoy an environment favorable to risk taking. How can you develop a climate of psychological safety, a true key to the performance of teams and organizations?
Management by objectives in the agile era
When management by objectives takes into account the constraints of the agile era, it remains a formidably effective tool. How can you help your teams choose and reach their objectives in a context of uncertainty and permanent change?
Evolving the company culture: a pragmatic approach
Evolving the company culture is one of the main challenges to conducting successful strategic transformations. How about relying on the existing rather than venturing into a logic of disruption?
Addressing the upheavals of the global markets
The globalized organization is generally considered to be a reference model. Yet, distance remains a real obstacle, all the more so since this model is today confronted with several disruptions. How can you rethink your performance levers on international markets?