Personal Development
What skills to develop to best hold your role as a manager or leader? What tools to rely on? What subjects to put into practice?
Collaborate… but not too much!
In today’s working environment that favors teamwork, concentrating has become a challenge. It is nonetheless a factor of productivity and well-being. How can you give everyone the possibility to secure periods of real concentration?
Grab attention… and keep it!
In the era of infobesity and chronic distraction, how can you grab your audience's attention and retain it over time? Understanding the psychological and cognitive underpinnings of attention is invaluable to achieve this goal.
Secure your strategic decisions
Many decision-making errors derive from reflexes that lead to form a truncated view of reality. How can we avoid this risk? By engaging in debate that allows us to confront different viewpoints.
From manager to leader
High-performing managers are sometimes surprised when they don’t get a promotion or are evaluated below their expectations. Indeed, even in operational positions, managers must demonstrate leadership qualities such as strategic perspective, the ability to influence others and to lead change.
Negotiate with agility
Far from being restricted to a balance between well-established forces, negotiation is a process highly subject to uncertainty. How can you maximize your chances of success by developing your ability to adapt to the unexpected?