Personal Development
What skills to develop to best hold your role as a manager or leader? What tools to rely on? What subjects to put into practice?
Introverts and extraverts: How to cooperate better together
Far from being respectively a virtue and a fault, extraversion and introversion are two personality poles that both have their assets and limits. How can we turn these differences into a key to collective performance?
Take responsibility for change
To make things change, we have a lot more leeway than we think. How can we take responsibility for creating the changes we want to see implemented?
Retain your lucidity despite the isolation of leadership
Retaining a sense of lucidity about ourselves and the situations we manage is all the more difficult when we are in a leadership position. So how can we preserve our capacity for judgment?
Participative management in the 2.0 era
In times of free exchanges in discussion forums and instantaneous information flow through social networks and Twitter, traditional intra-company communication channels look archaic. How can one foster a real conversation between an organization and its employees?
Luck, a skill to be developed
Without being intrinsically lucky, some people spontaneously do things that make good things happen to them. So what behaviors are conducive to luck, and how to implement them to develop what is actually a real skill?
Lead projects successfully despite opposition
What could be more painful than the emergence of strong opposition to a project? Your attitude towards opposition is decisive. How can you respect your active opponents without neglecting your allies or the silent majority?