Rethinking the loyalty and engagement of talents

N°333a – Synopsis (8 p.) – Recruitment and Retention
Rethinking the loyalty and engagement of talents
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In a working world in which retaining and mobilizing employees has never been so difficult, what can we act on to protect our teams from the widespread trend toward disengagement?

Behind catchphrases such as “the great resignation” or “quiet quitting” lies an indisputable reality: retaining and mobilizing one’s employees has never been so difficult. In 2021, close to 47 million American employees resigned from their jobs; France recorded a record resignation rate in 2023. These numbers do not only reflect the post-pandemic thaw of the job market, they also convey the disparity between new professional aspirations and managerial practices that have mostly remained traditional. The current working world, transformed by digitalization and societal change, demands a renewed approach to engagement.

Indeed, the professional landscape has undergone numerous upheavals in recent years. The increase in life expectancy and efforts to promote diversity are leading managers to have to deal with a more heterogeneous workforce. Crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic or climate change have triggered profound reconsiderations of the meaning of work and the balance between professional and private life. The digital revolution has enabled the rise of hybrid working, granting greater autonomy to employees and entailing a risk of desocialization.

In this context, banking on an attractive remuneration policy is far from sufficient to generate engagement and loyalty. Instead, the key is rather to create an enriching employee experience, one that creates a desire to get involved and nurtures a firm sense of belonging. This buy-in needs to be built right from the induction process, then on a daily basis—and right up to the day of departure, or even beyond. It is based on empathetic management practices, adapted to a diversified working collective. The flexibility and customization of working conditions, combined with particular attention to human relations, are indeed proving to be the main levers of engagement in today’s world. Paying special attention to relationships and creating the conditions for a gratifying experience through constant signs of attention are not only the best way to build employee loyalty, but also to transform the organization into a place where people actually enjoy working.

In this synopsis:
– Loyalty, engagement: a new paradigm to take into account
– Reinforcing engagement at every stage of the employee career path
– Practicing attentive management

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