The Retention Revolution

The Retention Revolution

Rethinking employee retention in a working word that has undergone profound changes.

Author(s): Erica Keswin

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Date of publication: 2024

Manageris opinion

What meaning should be ascribed to employee retention today? Social and technological mutations have accelerated, bringing radical changes to the working world. Focusing on talent retention, with lifelong employment as an unconscious ideal, has lost its relevance. The new reality invites us instead to conceive of the employee’s passage through the company as a temporary but intense experience, capable of establishing a lasting bond with them—conducive to making them a customer, a prescriber, a brand ambassador, a freelance collaborator, or even a future re-hire. This book examines the implications of all this, while in particular providing numerous examples of innovative practices for welcoming employees and managing their departures. An enlightening book on a major issue.