Shared Leadership

Promote accountability in your organization
How can leaders get their teams to share responsibility for ensuring collective success?

Obtaining commitment through participation
How can you get the people of your organization to commit themselves and show a sense of initiative? By creating the conditions that enable them to participate in the company strategy.

Making collective decisions more reliable
How can we ensure the full effectiveness of group decisions?

Uniting your executive committee
The members of an executive committee must simultaneously position themselves as defenders of the collective interest and defenders of the issues associated with their specific roles. How can we integrate the diversity of visions in a constructive way?

Facilitating open expression in the company
Knowing how to speak honestly to one another is absolutely critical inside a company. Yet, many reasons push us, on the contrary, to hold our tongue. How can we set up the necessary conditions to enable free expression?

Dare to express your views
Paradoxically, in a business world branded as tough, managers often have a hard time expressing clearly what must be told. It is because this requires a self-confidence that is not always well established. How can you develop this quality?

From manager to leader
High-performing managers are sometimes surprised when they don’t get a promotion or are evaluated below their expectations. Indeed, even in operational positions, managers must demonstrate leadership qualities such as strategic perspective, the ability to influence others and to lead change.