Shared Leadership

Rethink leadership
Faced with the challenges and constraints of the 21st century, managers have to adjust their roles and attitudes. How to adapt leadership to the demands of the working world of the future?

Leader 2.0
The information revolution affects more than processes; it also changes people. How can you adapt management to this new environment?

Exercising strategic leadership
An organization’s success hinges before all else on its leader’s work behind the scenes to ensure the fine-tuning of internal dynamics. How can the workings of this strategic game be mastered?

Liberating the company: returns of experience
The notion of liberated company remains controversial: some see in it an ideal model, others a deception. In any event, it raises a key question: how can you combine individual autonomy and collective efficiency?

Take responsibility for change
To make things change, we have a lot more leeway than we think. How can we take responsibility for creating the changes we want to see implemented?

Develop your resiliency
In companies focused on agility, leaders are torn between expectations of clear-cut decisions and the necessity to adapt to changing conditions. In this context, how can they move forward without burning out?

Participative management in the 2.0 era
In times of free exchanges in discussion forums and instantaneous information flow through social networks and Twitter, traditional intra-company communication channels look archaic. How can one foster a real conversation between an organization and its employees?