Protect yourself against strategic blindness
Companies that believe they are invulnerable are particularly exposed to a rude awakening. How can you guard against the tendency to ignore unpleasant truths?
The dangers of success
Success itself is often the root cause of failure, as people become lazy and arrogant, or overly optimistic about the future. How to recognize and avoid the traps of success?
Promoting the confrontation of ideas to benefit from diversity
Taking full advantage of diversity requires creating a climate conducive to the confrontation of ideas. How can we create the conditions for a productive debate?
Exercising strategic leadership
An organization’s success hinges before all else on its leader’s work behind the scenes to ensure the fine-tuning of internal dynamics. How can the workings of this strategic game be mastered?
Consultants: What’s the point?
How can you develop your ability to secure good advice?
Foster radical innovation
Innovation is at the heart of company priorities. Yet, large organizations mostly limit themselves to marginal innovations while leaving start-ups the prerogative for disruptive innovations. How can you set up an environment that is propitious to radical innovation?