
Luck, a skill to be developed
Without being intrinsically lucky, some people spontaneously do things that make good things happen to them. So what behaviors are conducive to luck, and how to implement them to develop what is actually a real skill?

Reconnect with your ingenuity to boost your capacity for innovation
After being long considered as players with low added value, emerging countries are now showing a surprising ability to innovate. What can be learned from their innovation approach?

Selling your innovative ideas
Any innovative project owner faces a paradox: the novelty nature of his/her idea is precisely what gives it value; yet, it is also what generates reluctance. How can you release these brakes to get your innovative ideas across better?

Implementing Design Thinking
Based on proximity to the end user, on pragmatism and agility, Design Thinking promises to boost innovation. But this method can prove demanding to implement. How can you make the best possible use of it in your organization?

Innovate through experimentation
Experimentation is a powerful innovation accelerator which, thanks to the digital revolution, is much more accessible than before. Yet it remains under-utilized. How can you prompt people to acquire the reflex to experiment with their ideas?