
Stimulating your creativity
Faced with the need to innovate, we can organize ourselves to generate ideas in sufficient numbers for some of them to bear fruit. And artificial intelligence tools can help us push back the borders of our creativity.

Renewing the creative momentum of your teams
To foster creativity, rather than going to search for talents and methods outside the company, it might be equally beneficial to rely on internal forces. How can you unleash the creativity of your own teams?

Improve the creative dynamic in your teams
Team creativity largely depends on the ability to build on the ideas of others. How can you draw on theatrical improvisation techniques to optimize the quality of creative discussions?

Feed your creative spark
Brilliant insights often spring to mind unexpectedly. These “Eureka moments” don’t happen by chance and aren’t the exclusive preserve of a few creative geniuses. How can we create the conditions for this creative spark to arise?

Cultivate your creative potential
"Agile" companies need inventive leaders and employees. However, one needs not possess an innate gift for creativity to be an innovator. How can we evolve our mindset to develop our creative capabilities?

Stimulate creativity in the field
How to stimulate the creativity of your employees? In addition to establishing sophisticated systems to collect ideas, companies would do well to adapt management practices accordingly.

Three tips to approach dilemmas with creativity
When faced with a dilemma, seek to reconcile rather than to pick a side.

Conjugating invention and imitation
Western cultures frequently contrast imitation and creativity. And yet, imitation can be an effective way to develop creative ideas. How can we leverage it to accelerate our innovations and make them more reliable?

Get back into the habit of asking questions
Business leaders are rarely presented as people who question themselves. And yet, a manager needs to know how to question as well as to assert; but this ability seems to have been somewhat lost. How can we find it again?