What are the organizational models best suited to its own strategy and its particuliar context? How to enable the company to evolve and adapt to changes in its environment?

Removing the obstacles to personal initiative
Overcoming organizational obstacles that discourage individual initiative.

Converting your organization to a digital culture
Although digital transformation has become a necessity, achieving a successful one is more a question of culture than of technology. How can we “change everything” to maintain a competitive advantage in a world gone digital?

When can you trust your intuition?
When can we trust our intuition, and when should we be wary of it?

Human error, the greatest safety challenge
Human errors are the source of most accidents. And they are often due to staff who were neither incompetent nor careless. How can we make our actions more reliable by developing a safety culture?

Anticipating climate change
An increasing number of companies are considering climate risks. How can you review your strategy and economic model to reduce your exposure and adapt to the carbon-neutrality objective?

Deciding while under pressure
When we make decisions, we are inevitably subjected to biases—that are all the more powerful when we are under pressure and the stakes are at their highest. How can you nonetheless secure vital strategic decisions?

Implementing Design Thinking
Based on proximity to the end user, on pragmatism and agility, Design Thinking promises to boost innovation. But this method can prove demanding to implement. How can you make the best possible use of it in your organization?