What are the qualities and skills required to lead individuals or organizations towards their goals? More generally, how to train and engage teams?

Boost the involvement of your teams
Teamwork is not always a guarantee of effectiveness. Yet there are companies where the team members pull each other towards the top. How can you use these experiences to develop teams that are deeply involved and in search of excellence?

Differentiate through corporate identity
To differentiate a company in saturated markets, its project, convictions and culture are increasingly important. How can you promote them in a compelling and credible manner?

Grab attention… and keep it!
In the era of infobesity and chronic distraction, how can you grab your audience's attention and retain it over time? Understanding the psychological and cognitive underpinnings of attention is invaluable to achieve this goal.

Take responsibility for change
To make things change, we have a lot more leeway than we think. How can we take responsibility for creating the changes we want to see implemented?

Develop your resiliency
In companies focused on agility, leaders are torn between expectations of clear-cut decisions and the necessity to adapt to changing conditions. In this context, how can they move forward without burning out?

Change management: The new deal
Nowadays, change no longer consists in moving organizations from a stable starting point to a stable target point. How can we revisit change management best practices to take into account this reality?

Combine economic and social performance
In an economic crisis, social responsibility or environmental performance issues are often relegated to the background. How can businesses turn CSR into a source of strategic innovation and creation of economic value?

Work on your authority
If the focus is today on cooperation, autority still remains an essential ingredient of performance. How can you develop your power and leadership to maximize the value you bring to the organization?

Choosing the right leaders in turbulent times
How can one choose future leaders, who will renew the business without alienating its identity? Rather than defining an ideal profile, mixing various styles and experiences is the best way to face today's and tomorrow's challenges.