What are the qualities and skills required to lead individuals or organizations towards their goals? More generally, how to train and engage teams?

Adapting your persuasion strategy to your interlocutor’s decision-making style
Strengthening our powers of persuasion by adapting to our interlocutor.

Three sources of misunderstanding to overcome for better communicating
Developing the quality of your communication by avoiding misunderstandings.

Social intelligence in the age of remote relationships
How to develop our interpersonal skills?

Dare talk about prejudices
To manage diversity effectively, it is necessary to dispel the taboo that often surrounds prejudices. How can we identify them and counter their harmful effects?

Using pedagogy to promote change
Leading the various stakeholders to evolve their view of the situation: an essential lever to achieve major changes.

Mastering the art of data storytelling
Numerical data is at the heart of corporate life. But it doesn’t always have the expected impact, as our brains struggle to fully understand it. How can we present our numbers in a way that makes them more engaging?

Manager-coaches faced with the fears of their teams
Fear is ubiquitous in companies. Often considered a weakness, it can also prove fundamentally useful. How can managers help their staff manage their fears and overcome them?