Collective Performance
What drivers to action to develop and continuously improve the performance?
Improve your personal productivity
Paradoxically, the productivity of business organizations has decreased over the past few years. Thus, our tendency to confuse being busy with being productive leads us to waste 25 to 40% of our working time. How can we gain back these lost hours?
Boost the involvement of your teams
Teamwork is not always a guarantee of effectiveness. Yet there are companies where the team members pull each other towards the top. How can you use these experiences to develop teams that are deeply involved and in search of excellence?
Increase the resilience of your organization
All organizations are confronted with the risk of crises. Rather than vainly attempting to avoid them, it is better to develop the capability to absorb them and to learn from them. How can you acquire and cultivate resilience?
Get the most from your consultants
Businesses increasingly rely upon outside consultants, but are often disappointed with inconclusive results or difficult-to-manage relationships. How can you make the most of your consultants?
Collaborate… but not too much!
In today’s working environment that favors teamwork, concentrating has become a challenge. It is nonetheless a factor of productivity and well-being. How can you give everyone the possibility to secure periods of real concentration?
Develop your resiliency
In companies focused on agility, leaders are torn between expectations of clear-cut decisions and the necessity to adapt to changing conditions. In this context, how can they move forward without burning out?
Big Data: Making the most of the revolution
Beyond the capacity to process gigantic volumes of data, Big Data creates opportunities that are still largely untapped. How can you take advantage of this huge field of innovation?
Surround yourself with the best
50 to 70% of recruiting decisions turn out to be unsatisfactory. Yet it is possible to do significantly better, for recruiting can be learned. What lessons can we draw from the experience of recruiting professionals?