
Neuroscience and change
Our brain likes habits. To the extent of being opposed to any change? In reality, neuroscience demonstrates that we can adapt our practices in change management to the functioning of our brain.

Preserve critical know-how
A large part of a company’s strengths resides in the tacit know-how of many individuals. This know-how is not easy to identify and formalize. How can you avoid losing this invaluable capital?

Intrapreneurship: A growth vector to explore
Is the entrepreneurial spirit only for start-ups? In established businesses, the capacity of employees to support innovation is often stifled. How can you help intrapreneurs reveal themselves in your organization?

Change management: The new deal
Nowadays, change no longer consists in moving organizations from a stable starting point to a stable target point. How can we revisit change management best practices to take into account this reality?