Ad Hoc Teams

Own your position as a manager-coach
Most managers tend to focus more on operational matters than on the development of their team members. Beyond a scheduling issue, it is more a matter of personal stance. How can you be an effective manager-coach?

Co-design: Knowing how to dialogue
In a digital era that forces us to be more agile, open and cooperative, the aptitude for dialogue is an essential condition to innovate and adapt. How can you develop your ability to hold constructive team discussions?

Combine efficiency and benevolence
It is possible for managers to reconcile efficiency and benevolence. But between performance imperatives and employee fulfillment at work, the dosage is subtle. How can you find and maintain the right balance?

Introverts and extraverts: How to cooperate better together
Far from being respectively a virtue and a fault, extraversion and introversion are two personality poles that both have their assets and limits. How can we turn these differences into a key to collective performance?

Create a culture of accountability
Our defensive reflexes cause us to hold onto old habits, and thus obstruct change. How can we address issues in a more constructive and responsible manner?

Grasp the invisible dynamics of the organization
Organizations often have a life of their own, whatever the efforts of their leaders to control it. How can you decode organizational dynamics to better influence them?