Talents and Careers

Employees 3.0: how to manage them?
The digital revolution has fundamentally changed staff members’ expectations: less formal and more personalized relationships, greater flexibility in career choices… How can you evolve your HR management accordingly?

Promote and retain talented women
Despite recent measures in favor of gender diversity, the fact remains that the proportion of female talent decreases as one moves up the hierarchy. How can we remedy this situation?

From manager to leader
High-performing managers are sometimes surprised when they don’t get a promotion or are evaluated below their expectations. Indeed, even in operational positions, managers must demonstrate leadership qualities such as strategic perspective, the ability to influence others and to lead change.

Surround yourself with the best
50 to 70% of recruiting decisions turn out to be unsatisfactory. Yet it is possible to do significantly better, for recruiting can be learned. What lessons can we draw from the experience of recruiting professionals?

Rethink leadership
Faced with the challenges and constraints of the 21st century, managers have to adjust their roles and attitudes. How to adapt leadership to the demands of the working world of the future?

Take advantage of the potential of older workers
The global population is aging. However, companies still have trouble fully capitalizing on their over-fifty workforce. How can you elicit the full potential of older workers?

Gender diversity for better performance
Beyond ethical considerations, how can you capitalize on the complementary leadership styles of men and women to reinforce organizational performance?

Get the most from your consultants
Businesses increasingly rely upon outside consultants, but are often disappointed with inconclusive results or difficult-to-manage relationships. How can you make the most of your consultants?

Make use of everyone’s talents
Each of us has specific talents that enable us to excel in certain activities. How can you organize yourself to identify the individual qualities of your team members and build on them?

Generation Z: What to expect?
Generation Z, born in the years 1990-2000, is now arriving on the job market. Beyond prejudice, how can you take the specific characteristics of these young employees into account and successfully integrate them into your business?