
Removing the obstacles to personal initiative
Overcoming organizational obstacles that discourage individual initiative.

Liberating the company: returns of experience
The notion of liberated company remains controversial: some see in it an ideal model, others a deception. In any event, it raises a key question: how can you combine individual autonomy and collective efficiency?

Liberate initiative taking
To be able to take initiatives, you must enjoy an environment favorable to risk taking. How can you develop a climate of psychological safety, a true key to the performance of teams and organizations?

Boost the involvement of your teams
Teamwork is not always a guarantee of effectiveness. Yet there are companies where the team members pull each other towards the top. How can you use these experiences to develop teams that are deeply involved and in search of excellence?

Create a culture of accountability
Our defensive reflexes cause us to hold onto old habits, and thus obstruct change. How can we address issues in a more constructive and responsible manner?

Promote accountability in your organization
How can leaders get their teams to share responsibility for ensuring collective success?

The delicate art of delegation
Organizations need to be agile and responsive, and this means empowering employees. But how to avoid the many dangers of poorly managed delegation?

Obtaining commitment through participation
How can you get the people of your organization to commit themselves and show a sense of initiative? By creating the conditions that enable them to participate in the company strategy.

Get back into the habit of asking questions
Business leaders are rarely presented as people who question themselves. And yet, a manager needs to know how to question as well as to assert; but this ability seems to have been somewhat lost. How can we find it again?