Zero to One
How can you capitalize on new technologies to conquer hitherto inaccessible niches?
Author(s): Peter Thiel, Blake Masters
Publisher: Crown Business
Date of publication: 2014
Manageris opinion
The author, one of the founders of PayPal, takes a clear position: there is no point in undertaking a new business unless you’re sure to be the only player in an industry, or at the very least, do things ten times better than your potential competitors. This bet is not as crazy as it seems—Amazon, for example, offers ten times more books than any other bookseller. Paradoxically, there are still niches that can be conquered thanks to new technologies which create hitherto inaccessible opportunities. The examples used by the author concern start-ups in particular, but can also apply to companies seeking alliances or new organic growth drivers. Generally speaking, this book can be read as a manual for the perfect entrepreneur or intrapreneur. Indeed, the shared experience and advice can help readers put their strategic choices into perspective and focus on the most relevant initiatives in their aim to dominate a given niche. This book will inspire the desire to engage in entrepreneurship in the most blasé readers, given the apparent immensity of growth opportunities.
A very good update on the principles of entrepreneurship.
See also
Intrapreneurship: A growth vector to explore
Is the entrepreneurial spirit only for start-ups? In established businesses, the capacity of employees to support innovation is often stifled. How can you help intrapreneurs reveal themselves in your organization?