The Expertise Economy
Place the continuous development of staff at the heart of your strategy to ensure long-term competitiveness.
Author(s): Kelly Palmer, David Blake
Publisher: Nicholas Brealey
Date of publication: 2018
Manageris opinion
Most jobs of the future do not exist yet. Digitalization, automation, artificial intelligence and probably other unforeseen mutations will turn the labor market upside down. To remain employable, personnel will need to continuously update their competences, all along their career. Overall, they will also need to increase their level of expertise. Therefore, to ensure long-term competitiveness, companies will need to place training at the heart of their strategy—and ensure its effectiveness. Some have already taken such a path, and the authors scrutinize their practices. How have, for example, LinkedIn, Yahoo or Degreed taken advantage of technological innovation and recent progress in cognitive science to provide their staff with high-impact training? In eight concise chapters, the authors explore the learning mechanisms, the most innovating educational tools and methods, as well as the culture and state of mind that need promoting to encourage the continuous development of staff. A must-read for any leader, head of training or manager looking for a state-of-art review of the topic.