A seminal book on the nudge theory, in an enriched and updated new edition.
Author(s): Richard Thaler, Cass Sunstein
Publisher: Penguin Books
Date of publication: 2021
Manageris opinion
Richard Thaler is one of the fathers of behavioral economics and was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Economics. Cass Sunstein is a professor at Harvard, where he leads the program on behavioral economics and public policy. Their seminal book, Nudge, first published in 2008, greatly contributed to the prominence of the eponymous theory. Founded on a fine understanding of human behavior, this theory quickly spread within many fields: marketing, communication, digital, public policy, quality, security, training, etc. This new edition is enriched with feedback from the increasingly frequent implementation of nudges. It updates the section about their functioning, and completes it with advice to avoid their pitfalls and potential abuses.
A recent classic of management literature, easily accessible, precise and pertinent, on a rapidly growing field.