Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI

What are the present and future consequences of the development of artificial intelligence on work organization?
Author(s): Paul R. Daugherty, H. James Wilson
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Date of publication: 2018
Manageris opinion
How will the emergence of computer systems and robots equipped with artificial intelligence affect our work? What will be the repercussions on the functions and the organization of companies? What cooperation modes between men and machines shall we create? This book is one of the first to address these issues in a pragmatic manner. To achieve this, it relies on concrete returns of experience of pioneering companies in the use of AI. It adds to these a more prospective outlook on the potential opportunities and threats of AI. In particular, the second part of the book describes the domains of complementarity between humans and machines. It insists on the roles and the jobs that need creating to optimize their collaboration, to control the tasks done by AI or yet to prevent potential ethical drifts.
A must-read for the business executives and HR directors who question the transformation needed to take advantage of artificial intelligence in their company.