How Not to Be Wrong

Mathematics are part of our daily life. How can we get the right tools to avoid misinterpreting figures?
Author(s): Jordan Ellenberg
Publisher: Cassini
Date of publication: 2018
Manageris opinion
We could think that nothing is more reliable than quantitative data. Yet, nothing is less true! Many biases mislead us when we look at quantitative data, even when we have solid mathematical knowledge. Still, we often rely on figures and statistics to make decisions, both in our daily life and at work… In this book full of anecdotes and pleasant to read, Jordan Ellenberg shows us how mathematics is part of our daily life, and how it is simple to ill analyze reality when we do not have the appropriate tools to decode a situation. In five major sections, each dedicated to one type of mental bias, the author takes us through clear and specific examples to help us better understand the world around us and adopt a more rigorous approach in our rapport to figures.
A read full of humor, recommended for those who love numbers, but also—and more so—for those who do not feel comfortable with them!