High-Performance Culture
What approach would you choose to succesfully implement cultural change in your organization?
Author(s): Jim Hemerling, Julie Kilmann
Publisher: The Boston Consulting Group
Date of publication: 2013
Cultural change is possible… provided you choose the right approach! This article by the Boston Consulting Group underlines that we sometimes tackle cultural change from the perspective of mentalities: why do staff think the way they do and how to change their way of handling the situations they encounter? In reality, culture is more determined by the context in which people operate than by their mentality. The authors encourage the readers to define their change strategy by relying on four questions: “What culture do we need?”; “What culture do we have and why?”; “What contextual elements must we change to obtain the desired behaviors?”; “How can we prompt this change?”
This article is one of the sources used in Manageris’ synopses: